The 2024 Gloucestershire Festival of Polo Poster

Gloucestershire Festival of Polo 2024 Poster Art

Cotswold Poster Co is very pleased to have once again been asked to create the poster for this year's Gloucestershire Festival of Polo. It's a great summer event that takes place near Tetbury with a variety of fun things to see and do (without requiring any prior knowledge of polo either!). You can get your tickets here – kids go free so it's a good one for the family.

If you want a memento of the day you can buy the display version of the 2024 poster (unframed only) here.

The 2024 design means it's a trilogy of posters that we have created for the event and you can see them all below – they share a style and some elements so sit together pretty well as a set!

Gloucestershire Polo Festival posters 2022-2024
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